23 Jul 2021

Tips and Tricks for Online Lessons Without Online Games

             Handling primary schools pupils are not as easy as everyone thought. Can you imagine if you are facing 20+ 7 years old students with difference attitudes at once? Some are very shy, very active, very aggressive and impolite. I believe most primary school teachers have their tips to control them in physical classroom. What will happen when the class turns into virtual where pupils are even tech-savvy as compared to the teachers? Therefore, here are some useful tips to conduct a simple lesson in a super active class.

 1. Set rules: Before the lesson begins, always show them rules and regulations. For examples, the correct usage of chat box, turn on cameras, turn off microphones, how to use the raise-hand function. I always share the rules in before I begin the lesson and go through with the pupils before the lesson begins. Slowly, I found that more pupils will follow the rules and the lesson is smoother. As my classes are multiracial classes, I always prepare the rules in bilingual so that they have no reasons to say that they can't understand.

2. Insert pictures: To make a lesson interesting and easily understood, pictures are essential. The choices of the pictures are important too! It's important when we are conducting an ESL classroom. We can easily train the pupils to use English in physical classroom, but how about virtual classroom when there are too many constraints? Hence, I always insert some pictures to explain the meaning. Ideally, the pictures have to be taken from the textbook, but we can always have the second choice. We can search it online through websites and just to be aware of the choices of pictures. We must make sure that the pictures are suitable and can help us to explain the meaning. 

3. Use the chat box correctly: It is very annoying when the pupils use the chat box wrongly. They will send all kinds of words and emojis using their phones. Hence, we have to educate them how to use the chat box correctly. Instead of writing lengthy sentences, we may ask the students to write "1" or "0" to symbolise what they want to tell us. For example, my instructions sounds - Who agrees with me? If yes, type "1", if no, type "0". You can always do this if you want them to give you quick respond. 

4. Turn off the share screen button

5. Allow open discussion: When our students know the right time to turn on and off their microphones, always give them a chance to join the open discussion. They will have a sense of belonging if they have a chance to join the discussion. It's similarly to us when we are listening to talk. When we get involved, we will also be engaged in the talk. 

6. Use board games to attract attention: As there are some pupils are using their mobile data for online lessons, online games is not an ideal way for them to have the lesson although it's fun and exciting. However, we couldn't just chalk and talk in the whole lesson. Therefore, I used board games in PPT template. I found that the games are always attractive and I can always  download the reusable templates from online. I just have to edit the template and I can have a great lesson with them. No doubt, online games are much interesting than board games when it doesn't have any constraints. 

7. Give feedback: Always give praises and positive words to the pupils when they did something right or even something which you want them to change. Never give them negative words as your mood will be easily affected. If they keep on turn on their microphones, you may reply them as "If you can keep your microphone off for a while now, you are the best." The other pupils will notice that the teacher has an eye on them although it's in virtual classroom. All these positive words will help you to control the class better. 

All these tips were found after months of teaching virtually. I hope that we can go back to school soon.

19 Jul 2021

03/07/2021 Wakelet Sharing Session - Membina Koleksi Profesional Guru Menggunakan Wakelet




Screenshots taken from the session

        Throughout this session, I have gotten new knowledge on how teachers can use Wakelet in building their profiles. Why is Wakelet suitable for building teachers' profiles? The collection and space functions. 

        As for collections, we can upload and link different materials in it. The materials can be in videos, PDF files,  game links and even folder from Drive. Therefore, we can use the collection function in various ways. As educators, we always have to manage a lot of documents. Hence, Wakelet is one of the best choices of all. Why do I say so? There are a few ways that educators can use Wakelet in building professional profiles. 

1. Use Wakelet to collaborate - We can use Wakelet to invite pupils to collaborate in real-time. Pupils can enter the Wakelet collection / Wakelet space using invitation code or link. They can even enter without an existing account! 

2. Use Wakelet to showcase pupils' work -  As lessons are going online, we can use Wakelet to collect pupils' work, such as project-based learning or Arts. Afterwards, we can move the collections from space to space. In the end of the year, we can have a virtual gallery walk for the parents and pupils. I'm sure that they would be very excited to see their work! 

3. Use Wakelet to collect reading materials - When we found an interesting articles or stories, we can always create an e-library for ourselves or for the pupils. We can organise articles, journals and stories in using different collection and gathered all in the same space. Both teachers and pupils can free to access all the reading materials in the different collections. 

Above all three are what I think about hoe Wakelet suits primary school pupils as they can't have an account in Wakelet due to the terms and conditions. Drop me an e-mail if you want to know more about Wakelet! Let's ride on the Wakelet wave! 

16 Jul 2021

Blooket Experience

Blooket is a competitive web-based game that can be played as individual or in a team. I was introduced to Blooket through a teacher in 2/7/2021. Teacher are free to sign up an account and host the game or play the game. The game can be conducted in real time or assigned as homework. 

Teachers can set the questions themselves or search from the question bank. It's very competitive and interesting that even adults love it! We had a lot of fun time when we were introduced to it. 

For hosting game, there are 10 sets of game modes. Each game modes are of different requirements such as the number of players. Some games are competitive that you have to "steal" others' gold and hack the codes, while some required the players to earn as many gold as possible. However to acquire as many gold as possible, pupils need to have strategy to play all the games. It can also train pupils in their entrepreneurship and computational thinking skills. 

Teachers have the authority to start the game, set the basic rules. It's fun! Let's have a fun lesson with the pupils. Bring something they like in the virtual or physical classroom, sooner, they will love your lesson. Teachers can do anything to make the pupils love the subject! 

Blooket link: https://www.blooket.com/

14 Jul 2021

Road to Innovation 14/07/2019

Our efforts brought fruitful outcomes and experiences!

             Back to 2019, when it was my second year in service. I was selected to represent my school to join the innovation competition. Innovation competition is never new for me as I have participated it twice when I was still a teacher trainee. However, I had never thought that I would get a chance to join it when I am in service.

            When I have gotten that chance, I was quite reluctant because of the hustle and bustle workloads. I was so grateful to have two of you who volunteered to be my teammates. Here began our journey as Oh Yes! Amigo team.     

            The innovation journey was never an easy task for us. We faced a lot of hardships. At first, we thought that our proposal won't be selected to join the state level innovation competition, but the result was out of our expectation! We were extremely happy when we were informed by the district officers. We started to prepare our things in a month. We worked days and nights just for the state level competition. We just hoped to present our work in the best manner without thinking of any fame. 


Our station in MAEPS, Perak

                On that day, we set up our stuffs in MAEPS early in the morning. I drove for an hour to reach while the journey of my teammate was even further. Due to the heavy workload, one of our teammate had even fallen sick. However, she gave us a lot of support and always contacted with us even she was sick. We were very lucky to have her as a team. At MAEPS, although we were very nervous, we tried our best in presentation. 
              During the closing ceremony, we were quite disappointed when our names were not in the silver and bronze lists. We thought that our work was not even good to get a bronze. However, when we heard our names were called, we stunned for a while. When the emcee called our names again, we realised that we had won! We brought ourselves a gold medal! That was a great excitement. 

                  I will never forget how the tears and laughers in the journey. Each piece of memories bring us everything we have today. And because of this, I made a decision to further my studies. I hope that we can sit together can have another journey like such! 

12 Jul 2021

Tips for Preparing Ice Breakers

The following are some of my experiences in selecting my pathway:

Ice breaker is the very first speech that a new member is going to delivery at the beginning of his pathway. After registering your account in TI website, you will be able to choose your pathway. You may read through all the pathways and the projects under each level before choosing it or you may sit for an assessment. In the assessment, you will need to answer a few questions. After answering the questions, you will be given three recommended pathways. Your selected pathway can be one of them or even none of them. The first pathway selected is free. 

After selected your pathway in TI website, you will be able to logged in base camp. In base camp, you may activate and launch your projects. In each project, they provide you a series of very clear instructions and materials. Just keep calm and follow the instructions stated. 

Personal Experiences: 
As I was quite blurred on what I should do, I have struggled for some moments before being able to launch my very first project. What I have learnt here is to be more aware in reading instructions and scroll the page until the bottom. 

Fortunately, I was given some guidance and help in selecting my first pathway. To schedule my ice breaker, I have prepared my speech before I scheduled a time with the club VPE. I hope I can delivery my speech smoothly on the scheduled slot. Pray for the best! 

9 Jul 2021

Training Students in English Competition Experience

It could be very hard for a novice teacher to train students in various of competitions. It could be tougher when both teachers and students teach and learn at home. What are the tips that could help a novice teacher to overcome all these? Here are some of my tips in guiding my pupils. 

First, I read through the concept papers, rules and regulations clearly when I was noticed to train the pupils. I brainstorm of some possible questions that could be asked by the parents and students. 

After have a clear picture regarding the competition, I came out with a plan to train them, including briefing and scheduling the meeting with the students. Then, I have a discussion with the teachers to select which pupil is the best for each different competition. I reported the progress to Senior Assistant of Co-curricular and asked for suggestions. After that, I contacted the pupils for their willingness and parents for their consent. 

When everything is ready, then have a WhatsApp group with all the participants and teachers involved in. This may decrease misunderstandings. Then, you may definitely proceed to your training part. Training is totally based on a teacher's creativity. Of course, having a short briefing on the concept papers with the pupils and parents is the utmost important. Then, you may start your training. 

The last tip would be communication. Communication is always the important key. As having good communication between teacher-parent or teacher-admin is every important, therefore, the choices of words and tones are very important. Always be humble and smile when talk to anyone of them. Be firm when you're doing the right thing, accept comments and suggestions with an open heart. 

As a novice teacher, we should also accept new challenges and be positive with everything given. When you are in the right attitude, everything will be smooth. 

5 Jul 2021

Computational Thinking Course Reflection 1.7.2021

CT Level 1 tutor and participants

        Computational thinking is a way of thinking using tools to solve problems. There were a few concepts introduced in this CT course which were decompose, pattern recognition, abstractions, algorithm, and evaluation. I couldn't image how computation thinking skills can be integrated in lesson however, the tutor had given us some inputs through activities such as group discussions.
            The importance of CT skills integrating in lessons is to train pupils to think. Therefore hands-on activity are necessary. A well-planned project-based learning is a form of CT activity. Students should be able to decompose the requirement of the task and completed it through brainstorming and applying some of the CT skills implicitly. In the era which public examinations is no longer emphasised in primary schools, the education is shifting to a brighter future. Teacher's role as a facilitator is more important while chalk and talk is no longer fit the education trend. Pupils learn through deriving content knowledge from that what they have been doing. That's the current trend! 

        After the four-day level 1 course, I found out the importance of project-based learning. Project-based learning with guidance will help the pupils to cultivate CT skills in their daily lives. Even how to make a cup of coffee or hot chocolate is also a type of CT skills involving abstractions and algorithm. After having project-based learning, this is where the teaching takes part. Teachers should be able to guide the pupils to think of the causes and effects of the subject matter. You can even let the pupils to share what they have gained from the project! That's also one kind of CT skill. 
        To conclude, I believe project-based learning is one of the easiest approach to enable pupils to attain CT skills implicitly. This course is a fruitful course and I wish to continue the second and third levels.