11 Feb 2015

One of my challenges - Blood Donation

Today, I have made a very great decision which is donating blood. Before this, I have tried to join blood donation campaign but due to certain circumstances, I can't. Now, I have finally donated blood. I am proud of myself. Although I am afraid of blood and injections, I confront all these.

I am a Girl Guide! Yeah! First time donating blood!!! 

After few hours, my hand became this. 
Have a little bad feelings when my hand became this.
Luckily I have seniors who are BSMM and they helped me! Thanks! 
Hope I can recover soon!

Our blood flows in our body and it is produced every day. Why don't we challenge ourselves? Not to afraid of injections and blood, do some charity work! A pack of blood helps people who need. There are a lot of people waiting for our blood in order to survive. Do something meaningful! I felt very happy when I knew that I am a successful donor! I am extremely HAPPY today!!! 

P/S: I lose weight!!! I have three meals a day... Having rice... Eating full breakfast everyday. Jogging and doing stretching almost every day and I lose weight! Wow! A great great day! 


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